Tag Archives: Question mark

Leaning Forward Into a Question

28 May
Leaning forward into a question mark
of sunshine through a February window
and backed by the shadow she makes behind her
on shelves of this and that that she has done,
she has forgotten the question.
Once it seemed easier to get up into the morning,
wash and dress, and wait for the bones to heal.
Once she wasn’t waiting for the corners of the walls
to come together or doors to appear, waiting
for windows that aren’t mirrors, or waiting
for moments that are beds she can get out of.
Once she wasn’t waiting to speak and recognize
her own voice say, “This is so!” and believe it.
Once she could see the world instead of think it.
But now everything seems curled back on itself
like a mind run over that’s unable to reach
or a hand that forgets the way out of a pocket
or a foot that sees anywhere to step is wrong.
And the quandaries still come round and round
until her signature twists into a question mark
and she is merely punctuation.
John Graber